You deserve ultra-fast website for

40% of people who visit a website will leave it if it takes more than 3s to load. That’s why we use a powerful caching system to speed up every site.

It’s no secret: a fast site is more likely to rank higher in search engines. Speed Up Your Website with DigiPatang.

Complete Site Speed Optimization Service

We boost PageSpeed Scores and reduces load times for 5,000+ websites.


Available on the biggest

Complete Site Speed Optimization Service

Make more money with a faster website.

Speeding up your website can help you:

And we have everything you need for a fast website:


Complete Site Speed Optimization Service

Get instant results and expert support.

No time-consuming audit attempts to configure multiple plugins to work together. Achieve results today. Reach out for help to site speed experts when needed.

Image Optimization

Complete Image Optimization Stack.

We take care of all image optimization aspects, including:

Everyone Needs a Fast Website

From startups to big eCommerce stores, DigiPatang is at the heart of any fast website

For Startup

Building beautiful websites is not enough: they should also load fast and convert. Let DigiPatang take care of speed optimization as well as focus on building awesome sites for you.

For Business

With DigiPatang, improving the speed of your business websites is automatic: you can deliver outstanding results to your customers by saving lots of time and energy.

For Ecommerce

57% of consumers will abandon a site loading in more than 3s. Thanks to its eCommerce dedicated optimizations, DigiPatang can make your online store reach the stars.

Call us today and skyrocket your site speed.

Robust, light-weight, constantly updated website speed service.

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